As a registered charity that receives no revenue funding from the government, the generosity of individuals, trusts and foundations helps us to champion artists and art-making.

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We welcome the support of all new benefactors.
To find out more about how you can support our work through a trust or foundation, as a family or as an individual, please contact philanthropy@royalacademy.org.uk.
How your contribution could help

Our collection is an important part of our nation’s artistic heritage. Help us to preserve it for future generations.

Britain’s longest established art school has offered free tuition for over 250 years. Help us to educate the next generation of artists.

We work with schools, families, community partners and access audiences. Help us to enrich lives through art.
Major donors
The estate of Annemarie Aschenagi
Blavatnik Family Foundation
Bloomberg Philanthropies
David and Molly Lowell Borthwick
The Clore Duffield Foundation
The Manny & Brigitta Davidson Foundation
Mervyn & Jeanne Davies
The Dorfman Foundation
Dunard Fund
Dunard Fund USA
The Jungels-Winkler Foundation
Mrs. Gabrielle Jungels-Winkler
Mrs. Drue Heinz Hon D.B.E.
Heritage Lottery Fund
Sir John Madejski O.B.E. D.L.
Ronald & Rita McAulay
The McLennan Family
The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation
The Mead Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller
The Monument Trust
Batia and Idan Ofer
Julia & Hans Rausing
Simon & Virginia Robertson
The Roden Family Foundation
The Rothschild Foundation
Dame Jillian Sackler D.B.E.
Jake & Hélène Marie Shafran
Garfield Weston Foundation
Wolfson Foundation
Nikolaos Andronikos & Oriane Simonet
Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne
The BAND Trust
Matthew Barzun and Brooke Brown Barzun
Aryeh and Elana Bourkoff, LionTree
Sir Francis and the Hon Lady Brooke
The Cadogan Charity
The Callanan Family
Sir Richard and Lady Carew Pole
Chenevière Travel Award
Adrian Cheng
Jeremy Coller Foundation
John and Gail Coombe
Sir Roger de Grey Memorial Fund
Lady Alison Deighton
Sir Harry Djanogly
The Eranda Rothschild Foundation
The Fidelity UK Foundation
Ford Foundation
The Foyle Foundation
The Armando Garza-Sada Sr. Endowment for the Arts
Genesis Foundation
J Paul Getty Jr Charitable Trust
Glenbevan Trust
Mrs Grete Goldhill
Horace W Goldsmith Foundation
Antony Gormley & Vicken Parsons
Mr and Mrs Gounaris-Milner
Peter Greenham Fund
Mr and Mrs Jim Grover
The Alexis and Anne-Marie Habib Foundation
Charles and Kaaren Hale
Mrs Robin Hambro
E Vincent Harris Fund
Mr Paul Hollingsworth and the late Mrs Maire Ragnhild Hollingsworth
The Kirby Laing Foundation
Nicolette and Frederick Kwok
Mr Nelson Leong
Lord Leverhulme’s Charitable Trust
Christian Levett and Musée FAMM
The Linbury Trust
Miss Rosemary Lomax-Simpson
Mr William Loschert
Maintenance Fund
Scott and Laura Malkin
Valerie and Philip Marsden MBE
The 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust
The Lord Mayor’s Appeal
The Paul Mellon Estate
Paul Mellon Foundation
Sophia, Alexis and Paris Milner
Simon Morris and Annalisa Burello
Lady Alison Myners
Christina Ong
Heidi and James Paradise
The estate of Miss Constance-Anne Parker
Paulo and Caroline Pereira
J Heritage Peters
P F Charitable Trust
The Polonsky Foundation
The late Mr John Porter
Red Butterfly Foundation
Ivor Rey Scholarship Fund
Schools Portfolio Fund
The Schroder Foundation
Mr Sean Scully RA
Mr Richard S Sharp
Dasha Shenkman
William and Maureen Shenkman
The Archie Sherman Charitable Trust
The estate of Mrs Pauline Sitwell
Sir Paul Smith, CH CBE
Starr Fund
Stewarts Foundation
David and Deborah Stileman
Mr John Studzinski CBE
The Swire Charitable Trust
The late Sir Anthony Tennant and Lady Tennant
Terra Foundation for American Art
Antigone Theodorou & Stefan Bollinger
The Thompson Family Charitable Trust
Patricia Turner Award
Kathryn Uhde
Sir Siegmund Warburg’s Voluntary Settlement
The Welton Foundation
Mr. W. Galen Weston & The Hon. Hilary M. Weston
The William Brake Foundation
Aldama Foundation
Lord and Lady Aldington
Mrs Allen-Huxley
Joan and Robin Alvarez
The Anson Charitable Trust
Artists’ Collecting Society
The Atlas Fund
The Nicholas Bacon Charitable Trust
Veronica and Lars Bane
Sir Win Bischoff
Charlotte Bonham-Carter Charitable Trust
The Deborah Loeb Brice Foundation
The Consuelo and Anthony Brooke Charitable Trust
Garvin and Steffanie Brown
Mr and Mrs John Burns
Ilaria Bulgari
Peter and the late Sally Cadbury
Capital Group
Carew Pole Charitable Trust
Dr Edmund Carter
Mr Richard Chang
Sir Trevor and Lady Susan Chinn
CHK Foundation
Mr and Mrs Jonathan Clarke
Mr Andrés Clase
Cockayne Foundation
Cockayne Grants for the Arts
The John S Cohen Foundation
Ms Elizabeth Crain
Mr Michael Cowper
Ina De and James Spicer
The Roger De Haan Charitable Trust
Ron Dennis
Joe and Marie Donnelly
The Gilbert and Eileen Edgar Foundation
The John Ellerman Foundation
Mr Richard Elman
Mrs Jennifer Esposito
The Lord Faringdon Charitable Trust
Wendy Fisher & A4 Arts Foundation
Mr and Mrs Stephen Fitzgerald
Joseph Strong Frazer Trust
The Garcia Family Foundation
Mrs Jill Garcia
Mr and Mrs M Gee
The Golden Bottle Trust
Nicholas and Judith Goodison’s Charitable Settlement
The late Mr Stephen Gosztony
The late Sir Ronald Grierson
Sir Nicholas Grimshaw CBE PPRA
Yoav Gottesman
Fiona and Peter Hare
Hauser & Wirth
Mrs Katrin Henkel
Mr and Mrs Julian Heslop
Holbeck Charitable Trust
The Charles Michael Holloway Charitable Trust
Mr and Mrs Jeremy Hosking
Huo Family Foundation (UK)
Harry Hyman and family
The Inchcape Foundation
The International Music and Art Foundation
Japanese Committee of Honour of the Royal Academy of Arts
Chantal Joffe RA
Alistair D K Johnston CMG FCA
Mr Ivan Katzen
Ömer Koç
Simone Krok
Mr Lagrange and Mr Burnough
Sir Christopher Le Brun PPRA and Charlotte Verity
The David Lean Foundation
Robert Lehman Foundation
Mr and Mrs Mark Loveday
The Maccabaeans
Dr Lee MacCormick Edwards Charitable Foundation
Mrs McAlpine
HRH Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece
J P Marland Charitable Trust
The Rt Hon the Lord and Lady Marland
The David Ellis Marlow Trust
The Margaret and Richard Merrell Foundation
The late Mr Minoru Mori Hon KBE and Mrs Mori
The Murray Family
Alexandra Nash
Normanby Charitable Trust
Cate Olson and Nash Robbins
Dr and Mrs Orentreich
Mr Charles Outhwaite
Peacock Charitable Trust
PF Charitable Trust
Stanley Picker Charitable Trust
The Pilgrim Trust
Mr and Mrs Maurice Pinto
The Earl and Countess of Plymouth
The Polonsky Foundation
Mrs Tineke Pugh
The estate of the late Mr Ivor Rey
Peter T. Rippon
Sir Simon and Victoria, Lady Robey OBE
Richard and Ruth Rogers
The Rose Foundation
Sir Paul and Lady Ruddock
The Basil Samuel Charitable Trust
Mrs Coral Samuel CBE
Edwina Sassoon
Yukiko and Anders U. Schroeder
Guy Senior, in memory of Brian and Mary Senior, Friends of the RA
Louisa Service OBE
David and Sophie Shalit
Mr Brian Smith
Mr Christopher Smith
Sir Paul and Lady Smith
The South Square Trust
Mr and Mrs Roger Staton
Sir Hugh and Lady Stevenson
The Nina and Roger Stewart Charitable Trust
Peter Storrs Charitable Trust
The late Sir David Tang KBE
Tavolozza Foundation
Ryan Taylor Collection
The Taylor Family Foundation
Tileyard London
Julian Treger
Tresidor Investment Management
Celia Walker Art Foundation
Martin and Anja Weiss
Sian and Matthew Westerman
Chris Wilkinson OBE RA and Diana Edmunds
Peter and Geraldine Williams
Ivor and Caroline Windsor
The Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation
Manuela and Iwan Wirth
Lord Leonard and Lady Estelle Wolfson Foundation
The Lennox and Wyfold Foundation
Mr Yuzo Yagi
and those who wish to remain anonymous