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Council minutes

RA Collection: Archive

Reference code



Council minutes


09 Jan 1962 - 11 Dec 1962



Extent & medium

1 file, 37 pieces

Previous reference codes

401 B

Content Description

Minutes of meetings of the Council, including the following selected entries: the announcement by the President, Sir Charles Wheeler, that the previous financial year had seen the worst loss (£18,000) in the Royal Academy’s history, 9 January 1962; the statement of the President, Sir Charles Wheeler, that, in view of the Royal Academy’s very serious financial position, the officers had decided that it was time to offer the Government the chance to purchase the Leonardo cartoon [‘The Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist’] for the nation, the report of the ensuing discussion, and the resolution by a large majority to recommend to the General Assembly that the cartoon be sold for £675,000, 20 February 1962; the reading of a letter from Carel Weight suggesting that the Associates should have been consulted before the decision was reached to sell the Leonardo cartoon, 13 April 1962; agreement of the Council that it would be desirable for the Royal Academy to spend more on advertising when sufficient funds were available, 12 June 1962; the Council in agreement, with one dissenting voice only, that there should be no concession in either the price of the Leonardo cartoon or the time allowed for the appeal, 10 July 1962; consideration of a scheme for the investment of the proceeds (£800,000) from the sale of the Leonardo cartoon and note of James Gunn’s comment on the bad press received by the Royal Academy following the sale, 7 August 1962; discussion of the cancellation of a proposed exhibition by members of the Reynolds Club, following a dispute over the matter between the President, Sir Charles Wheeler, and the Keeper, Sir Henry Rushbury, supported by the Secretary, Humphrey Brooke, 2 October 1962; the decision not to take action against the effects of roosting pigeons on Burlington House’s stonework, with the President, Sir Charles Wheeler, and Sir Basil Spence speaking on behalf of the birds and the Keeper, Sir Henry Rushbury, against, 30 October 1962; the decision to engage Clark, Nelson and Partners, Ltd as public relations consultants for an annual fee of £4,200, 20 November 1962; the resolution, for submission to the General Assembly, to increase the number of architect Academicians to five, because the existing number, four, was barely sufficient to ensure rotation on the Council, 20 November 1962; and the submission by the Keeper, Sir Henry Rushbury, of a protest by students about the poor quality of the Schools canteen, 11 December 1962.