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Le Grand Cabinet Des Tableaux De L'Archi-Duc Leopold-Guillaume &c. &c. &c. Peints Par Des Maitres Italiens Et Dessinés Par David Teniers Dit Le Vieux, Peintre De L'Archi-Duc Leopold-Guillaume Et Jean D'Autriche, Gouverneurs Des Pays-Bas; Et Gravées Sous Sa Direction.

RA Collection: Book

Record number



Amsterdam Et A Leipzig,: Chez Arkstée & Merkus,, MDCCLV.

Physical Description

[8] p., 246 pl. (incl. frontis.) (7 fold.); 441 mm.


[Front., t.p.] - Avertissement Des Libraires; Tables Des Pieces Contenu Dans Ce Recueil - Aux Amateurs De L'Art - Extrait De La Lettre Mentionnée Ci-Devant - Catalogue Des Noms Des Peintres [in alphabetic order of fore-name] - [Plates].

Responsibility Note

Pl. I (frontis.) is signed as painted by David Teniers and engraved by Ioannes Troyen. All others carry the name of the source-artist and that of the engraver. The engravers are I. Troyen, N. v. Hoij, L. Vorsterman jun., P. Lisebetius, I. Popels, Q. Boel, F. v. Stieen, T. van Kessel, D. Clasens, offenbeck, W. Hollart, C. Lauwers and R. Eynhouedts. In a few cases these are described as draughtsmen.


D.J. Meijers, 'La classification comme principe: la transformation de la galerie impériale de Vienne en "histoire visible de l'art"', in Les Musées en Europe à la veille de l'ouverture du Louvre, ed. E. Pommier [colloquium, Paris, 1993] (1995), p. 593-613; T. DaCosta Kaufmann, 'From treasury to museum: the collections of the Austrian Habsburgs', in Cultures of collecting, ed. J. Elsner (1994), p. 137-54, 282-5; A.A. Strnad, 'Wahl und Informativprozess Erzherzog Leopold Wilhelms', in Archv. Schles. Kirchgesch. XXVI (1968), p. 153-90; K. Garas, 'Das Schiksal der Sammlung des Erzherzog Leopold Wilhelm', in Jb. Ksthist. Samml. Wien, LXIV (1968), p. 181-278; K. Garas, 'Die Entstehung der Galerie des Erzherzog Leopold Wilhelm, in Jb. Ksthist. Samml. Wien, LXIII (1967), p. 39-80; A. Lhotsky, Die Geschichte der Sammlungen (1941-5), II/1 of Festschrift des kunsthistorischen Museums zur Feier des fünfzigjährigen Bestandes (Vienna, 1941-5), p. 55-360, 369-71; A. Berger, ed., 'Inventar der Kunstsammlung des Erzherzogs Leopold Wilhelm von Osterreich', in Jb. Ksthist. Samml. Allhöch. Ksrhaus., I (1883), doc. 495, VII (1988), doc. 4717.

Summary Note

The 'Tables Des Pieces Contenu Dans Ce Recueil' lists forty-nine painters, of whom the most represented are Giorgione (13 plates), Titian (47), Tintoretto (13), Veronese (15), Schiavone (15), Bassano (23), Palma Senior (19), Palma Junior (23) and Fetti (10).

Archduke Leopold Wilhelm's collection was transferred from Brussels to Vienna in 1656. It was bequeathed to the Emperor Leopold I, and forms one of the foundations of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.


Purchased by 1780. Recorded in RAA Library, Catalogue, 1802.

Binding Note

18th-century mottled calf, upper cover gilt-stamped with royal arms of Britain and 'R.A.'; rebacked in 20th century, retaining earlier red morocco spine-label, lettered 'Tableaux Du Leopold Guillaume - Teniers'.

Name as Subject


Paintings, European - Paintings, Italian
Collections - Belgium - Brussels - 17th century
Collections - Austria - Vienna - 17th century - 18th century
Pictorial works - Netherlands - 18th century
Armorial bindings - Great Britain - 18th century
