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W.B. Richmond, Assisi, to George Richmond

RA Collection: Archive

Reference code



W.B. Richmond, Assisi, to George Richmond


25 Jul 1868



Extent & medium

2 pieces

Content Description

He hopes they will both be in Italy together one day, not to look at pictures, but to sketch in the open fields. He was enchanted by the works of Giotto, but has been swept away by the fields outside. He thinks all of the great artists got their inspiration from nature, not their contemporaries or past art. Discusses the centrality of nature in art, using Michelangelo and Titian as examples. Calls Guido and the Carracci "false and affected".

He then lays out his ideal method for composing and bringing to fruition a picture. If confronted by a man with a squint he will paint a squint, unlike Lawrence, who made everyone "pretty". He was glad to hear that Leighton was elected an R.A.

Physical Characteristics

The two leaves of the letter are fixed together with a nasty sticky tape.