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Council minutes, vol. 8

RA Collection: Archive

Reference code



Council minutes, vol. 8


07 Nov 1832 - 22 Dec 1838



Extent & medium

1 vol., 449pp.

Content Description

Volume of minutes of the Council, including the following selected entries: a note of a proposal that the rule enforcing the exclusion of members who had not had any contact with the institution for ten years should be reduced to five years, and the subsequent acceptance of an amended proposal for a reduction to seven years, 19 January 1833; the decision to notify the General Assembly of the death or resignation of any members within one month and without taking any prior action to fill the vacancy, 11 March 1833; a transcript of a demand from the House of Commons that returns be made by the Royal Academy, with a reference to the minutes of the General Assembly for a detailed account of proceedings, 21 May 1834; a note of the passing of a law that any member who failed to attend eight consecutive meetings of Council should forfeit his seat, 14 November 1834; copies of correspondence relating to a request to create a class of associate miniature painters, 23 June and 4 July 1835; a copy of a letter of advice to the Government on the question of whether a collection of original plaster casts by John Flaxman should be purchased by the state, 29 December 1836; the text of a loyal address to the new monarch, Queen Victoria, 28 Jun 1837; and copies of correspondence with a society called the Art Union, refusing a request from them to allow an advertisement to promote the sale of paintings to be inserted in the summer exhibition catalogue, 7 March 1838.