Draw a posed figure
Artists often draw from sculptures and living models, to learn about the body. In the past, it was a core activity for all students at the Royal Academy. Give it a go!

Draw your friend
What you need
Sketchbook | Pencil |Timer
To draw your friend:
• invite one person to take up a pose they have seen in one of the paintings, drawings or sculptures in our Body and Space teaching resource
• work together to arrange the space and viewpoints: do you need a circle of chairs? Should they pose higher than the floor?
• set a timer – agree on poses from 2 to 4 minutes
• swap places and draw quickly from a different viewpoint

Discover how the human body is considered one of the artist’s most important subjects.

Join artist Jake Garfield for this fun and informal life drawing session. Experiment with “line”, “mark-making” and “tone” through a series of short activities.

Look back at the Royal Academy’s centuries old tradition of drawing nude models.