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Sir George Clausen RA, Portrait of Mark Fisher, R.A.

Portrait of Mark Fisher, R.A., 1900

Sir George Clausen RA (1852 - 1944)

RA Collection: Art

George Clausen and Mark Fisher were close friends, both living at Widdington in Essex during the 1890s. In his appreciation written for the catalogue of Fisher's memorial exhibition of 1924, Clausen remarked that '[Fisher's] friends will remember not only the fine artist but the attractive personality of the man, full of light and shade of "accents" like his paintings, his shrewd simplicity, his worldly wisdom and kindness.' Fisher appears brimming over with jollity in Clausen's portrait. The informal pose and ruddy complexion are heightened by dabs of light in the eyes and on the nose which capture something of the older man's reknowned buoyant character. The portrait was apparently intended as a personal record of Fisher (the painting remained in Clausen's private collection until he sold it to the Royal Academy in 1938) and displays Clausen's affection for his friend.

Object details

Portrait of Mark Fisher, R.A.
Sir George Clausen RA (1852 - 1944)
Object type
Oil on canvas

617 mm x 512 mm

Royal Academy of Arts
Object number
Purchased from Sir George Clausen RA in 1938

Associated works of art

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