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, Photographs relating to the Summer Exhibition, 1939

Photographs relating to the Summer Exhibition, 1939

RA Collection: Art

One of a group of images relating to the Selection Committee for the 171st Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, 1939.

This photograph shows the Committee at work in March 1939. The President Sir Edwin Landseer Lutyens holds aloft the letter 'D' which signifies 'doubtful' - the work has been selected but it may not be hung. The members are identified as (left to right): W. R. M. Lamb, Secretary, Sir Edwin Cooper R.A., Arthur Eric Rowton Gill A.R.A., William Curtis Green R.A., Reginald Grange Brundrit R.A., Harold Knight R.A., Oliver Hall R.A., Sir Edwin Landseer Lutyens P.R.A., George Harcourt R.A., [Thomas Cantrell Dugdale A.R.A., Stanley Anderson A.R.A.,] Alfred Kingsley Lawrence R.A. [Dugdale and Anderson are mostly out of shot]


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Photographs relating to the Summer Exhibition, 1939
Object type
Royal Academy of Arts
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