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John Constable RA, Hampstead Heath looking West towards Harrow (II)

Hampstead Heath looking West towards Harrow (II), ca. 1821

John Constable RA (1776 - 1837)

RA Collection: Art

On free display in Collection Gallery

Hampstead Heath was only a short walk from Constable's London home. This was one of his favourite locations to paint, with its scrubby landscape of sand-hills and trees. In this painting, a horse and carriage pass by Branch Hill Pond at the lower right-hand corner. The central figure in red almost aligns with the distant church spire in Harrow village.

This sketch was made from the West Heath, and probably dates from 1821. The viewpoint of this sketch is similar to others in the RA Collection including Hampstead Heath looking towards Harrow, 27 September 1821 (03/562) and Landscape Study: Hampstead looking West, 14 July 1821 (03454), both of which are securely dated 1821. This sketch is painted on paper of approximately the same size as these two sketches.

Further Reading

Graham Reynolds, John Constable, The Later Paintings and Drawings, Yale University Press, London & New Haven, 1984, Text Vol. p.92, no. 21.99; Plates Vol. pl.301

Object details

Hampstead Heath looking West towards Harrow (II)
John Constable RA (1776 - 1837)
ca. 1821
Object type
Oil on paper laid on canvas

245 mm x 298 mm

Royal Academy of Arts
Object number
Given by Isabel Constable 1888

Associated works of art

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