Doorway in Via di Gesù, Rome, Cast of a Fragment of a frieze depicting a Griffin and Candelabrum

Cast of a Fragment of a frieze depicting a Griffin and Candelabrum, ?late 18th century/early 19th century

From: Doorway in Via di Gesù, Rome

RA Collection: Art

On free display in The Dorfman Architecture Court

This cast is taken from a Roman doorway in the Via di Gesù in Rome dating possibly from the 2nd century. This cast is just part of a repeating pattern above the door lintel.

Object details

Cast of a Fragment of a frieze depicting a Griffin and Candelabrum
?late 18th century/early 19th century
Object type
Cast Sculpture
Plaster cast

460 mm x 1130 mm x 75 mm, Weight: 13 kg

Royal Academy of Arts
Object number
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