RA Collection: People and Organisations
Thomas Frognall Dibdin
Aedes Althorpianae; Or An Account Of The Mansion, Books, And Pictures, At Althorp; The Residence Of George John Earl Spencer, K.G. To Which Is Added A Supplement To The Bibliotheca Spenceriana. By The Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, F.R.S. S.A. Librarian To His Lordship. - London:: 1822.
John Rutter
Delineations of Fonthill and its abbey - Shaftesbury; London: [1823]
Claudius Buchanan
The star in the East : a sermon preached in the Parish Church of St. James, Bristol, on Sunday February 26, 1809, for the benefit of the 'Society for Missions to Africa and the East' by the Reverend Claudius Buchanan, LL.D. from India. - London: [1809]