Katrina Cowling (b. 1990)

Katrina Cowling (b.1990, Bradford, UK) has just completed the two-year Kenneth Armitage Sculpture Fellowship in Leeds and previously studied at Falmouth University. Her intuitive practice spans sculpture, drawing, writing and installation with a focus on materiality, process and the body in space. As a trained neon-bender and maker of light, she has explored the seductive combination of electricity, light, glass and noble gases for eight years, playfully disrupting the formal and conceptual tropes of this elusive and dying craft.

In her current work, Katrina adopts a critical eye and an exploratory approach to interrogate material and metaphor in the post-industrial city. Interested in the urban industrial as a site in which materials are valued for their rigidity, strength and structural integrity, Cowling disrupts these qualities in search of something more porous and intimate. Everyday construction materials are reshaped into vulnerable objects in varying states of collapse, fragility, and movement.


Current RA Schools student

Born: 1990 in Bradford

Nationality: British

RA Schools student from 2023 to 2026

Gender: Female

Visit Katrina Cowling (b. 1990)'s website