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Professor Dawn Adès (b. 1943)

RA Collection: People and Organisations

Professor of Art History and Theory, University of Essesx since 1989. Fellow of the British Academy, a trustee of Tate and was awarded an OBE in 2002 for her services to art history. She has been responsible for some of the most important exhibitions in London and overseas over the past thirty years, including Dada and Surrealism Reviewed, Art in Latin America and Francis Bacon. She organised the highly successful exhibition to celebrate the centenary of Salvador Dali shown in Venice and Philadelphia in 2004. She has published standard works on photomontage, Dada, Surrealism, women artists and Mexican muralists. Dawn is now partially retired but continues to supervise PhD students at the University of Essex.


Born: 1943

Honorary officer: Professor of the History of Art 2008