Traité D'Architecture Contenant Des Notions Générales Sur Les Principes De La Construction Et Sur L'Histoire De L'Art. Par Léonce Reynaud, Ingènieur en Chef des Ponts et Chaussées, professeur d'Architecture à l'Ecole Polytechnique, etc. Premiére Partie. Éléments Des Édifices. - Planches.

Léonce Reynaud

RA Collection: Book

Record number




Liége.: Chez Dque. Avanzo & Cie. Éditeurs., [18--].

Physical Description

[2] p., frontis., 82 pl.; 470 mm.


[Frontis., t.p.] - [Plates].


N. Pevsner, Some architectural writers of the nineteenth century (1972), p.194-216; F. de Dartein, Léonce Reynaud (1885).

Summary Note

The work was first published from 1850 to 1858 in four volumes - two of text (Art de batir and Composition des edifices) and two of plates. It was so well received that it was reprinted four times by 1870.

Reynaud believed that architecture had developed from attention to the capacities of materials rather than from the imitation of natural forms. It had, however, a spiritual significance, and should express the spirit of its age.

Binding Note

20th-century quarter red morocco, 19th-century red cloth-covered boards; spine unlettered.


Architecture - Building materials - Theory - Europe - France - History
Treatises - France - Belgium - 19th century
Pictorial works - Belgium - 19th century
