W. Russell Flint, Peel Cottage, 80 Peel Street, Campden Hill, W.8, to Middleton Todd

RA Collection: Archive

Reference code



W. Russell Flint, Peel Cottage, 80 Peel Street, Campden Hill, W.8, to Middleton Todd


13 Nov 1953



Extent & medium

3 pieces, with envelope

Content Description

Russell Flint has the sad duty to inform Middleton Todd that his subscription to the RWS will shortly be six years in arrears. His indebtedness had to be discussed in a recent council meeting, and the treasurer had reported that Middleton Todd had dismissed the subject by saying that it should just be written off as a bad debt. Russell Flint was also grieved that Middleton Todd no longer sent to the "Old Society": a recent watercolour of his that Russell Flint had seen among the collection the RA was presenting to the Queen would have been such a help to one of their shows. The letter encloses Middleton Todd's draft reply, dated 17 November 1953. In the draft, Middleton Todd explains his reasons for not sending work to the society's exhibitions: like many other painters, his financial position had been very difficult at times, and at one such time he had sold a small drawing at the RWS. Once his subscriptions and commission had been deducted from the sale he had been left with nothing, and he had not exhibited since. He had not resigned because of his high regard for the president. In effect the president had cost the society the 25 guineas in subscriptions he owed to it! The position was like that in a utopian welfare state, in which after painting someone's "awful portrait" he might receive a letter declining payment for the work and offering some sweet smelling violets instead. However, Middleton Todd has forwarded a cheque for the amount due, and will try to be a better member in future.