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Thos. Lawrence, Hotel de Paris, Rue de Rivoli, to Miss Croft, Thos. Ryders, Hendon, Middlesex

RA Collection: Archive

Reference code



Thos. Lawrence, Hotel de Paris, Rue de Rivoli, to Miss Croft, Thos. Ryders, Hendon, Middlesex


4 [Oct 1825]



Extent & medium

1 piece

Content Description

He has found this trip physically gruelling but his mind is hale; the King and the Dauphin have been very gracious; he commiserates with her over the death of a friend; he will write to Mr. Balmanno, who has assured him his servants are fine; business of state will prevent the King from sitting to him too often, but this will not harm the pictures; he thinks it will be hard to secure good painting accommodation; he thinks the Dauphine noble if not handsome; Herman is well.