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Sam. Woodburn, Hotel Dumont, via della Croce, Rome, to Sir Thomas Lawrence, russell Square, London

RA Collection: Archive

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Sam. Woodburn, Hotel Dumont, via della Croce, Rome, to Sir Thomas Lawrence, russell Square, London


19 Feb 1823



Extent & medium

1 piece

Content Description

He is glad the oil made it to him; he is a little put out that Lawrence resigned his interest in the Rembrandt; he has now seen all Vicar's drawings, Wm. Lock has also given his opinion on them, they include a drawing of the Leda that Mr. Lock so generously gave to the Academy; he talks of the King's generous gift to the nation of the library at Buckingham House, which he believes was valued at one million guineas, he wishes some of it was sold to fund a national gallery; he has bought 100 finished drawings by Canova and a set of silver platters with the heads of caesars on them, he believes them to be the work of Benvenuto Cellini.