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Quarterly expenditure and annual balance sheets

RA Collection: Archive

Reference code



Quarterly expenditure and annual balance sheets





Extent & medium

1 vol.

Previous reference codes

1326 A

Content Description

The volume, which is entitled "Account of the Income and Expenditure of the Royal Academy", contains records of quarterly expenditure and an annual statement of expenditure and income audited by George Dance and William Tyler. The accounts were complied retrospectively from information supplied by the Treasurer, Sir William Chambers, in the course of the Council's investigation in 1795 into Chambers's rather idiosyncratic handling of the RA's finances up to that time. They are signed by the Auditors themselves. As a reconstructed account, the volume is rather less detailed than others in the series. A description on the first page reads: "An account of the Income and Expences of the Royal Academy from its first Institution, January 1st 1768, to December 31st 1795 both inclusive; Compiled from the copy of the general account delivered by Sir Willliam Chambers, the late Treasurer to the Council July 10th 1795, and from original Bills and Receipts and other vouchers now in the custody of the Secretary by George Dance and William Tyler, the Committee appointed by the same Council to inspect and report upon the same."

Associated Material

See RAA/TRE/2/1 for a reconstruction of Sir William Chambers's original annual accounts for this period.