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General Assembly minutes, vol. 4

RA Collection: Archive

Reference code



General Assembly minutes, vol. 4


10 Feb 1826 - 10 Dec 1841



Extent & medium

1 vol, 397pp.

Content Description

Volume of minutes of the General Assembly, including the following selected entries: note of a motion by Sir Augustus Wall Callcott that the Council should enact a law governing the nomination and appointment of honorary members, 5 April 1827; note of a motion by J. M. W. Turner “that the Council be requested to take into consideration the expediency of proposing a law to provide against the sale of stock belonging to the Royal Academy without the consent of the General Assembly and the sanction of His Majesty”, 9 Feb 1828; note of a discussion, held at the request of the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, as to whether the term “marbles” included sculptures in porphyry, granite and other stone, in reference to the will of the late Sir James Erskine, of Torrie, who had bequeathed his collection of works of art to the College of Edinburgh, 20 May 1830; text of Thomas Phillips’s resolution that moves should be initiated to purchase the drawings of Sir Thomas Lawrence for the nation, 26 June 1830; discussion of Council's resolution that members who had had no contact with the Royal Academy for ten years should cease to be members, 1 December 1832, the emendation of Francis Chantrey and others in General Assembly that the period should be five years, 10 December 1832 and the approval of Council’s proposal for a term of seven years, 1 March 1833; Sir David Wilkie’s resolution paying tribute to J. M. W. Turner on his resignation as Professor of Perspective, 10 February 1838; texts of letters from Sir Robert Peel, Sir Robert Harry Inglis, T. B. Estcourt, and others who had supported the Royal Academy in its successful attempt to petition Parliament to rescind the 1839 demand for a return of information on the Academy’s affairs, 30 September 1839; approval of Council resolution imposing time limits on Professors for the preparation and delivery of their lectures, 16 January 1840; the proposal by William Etty that the Council consider excluding the Keeper from the list of those eligible to serve as Visitors in the Life Academy, 16 January 1840; motion by George Jones that the Council should consider consulting the Treasurer and Auditors on the state of the finances of the Royal Academy, 1 December 1840; and Thomas Phillips’s motion, thanking Sir Robert Smirke for consenting to withdraw his resignation as Treasurer, 18 January 1841.