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Council minutes, vol. 17

RA Collection: Archive

Reference code



Council minutes, vol. 17


13 Jan 1880 - 30 Dec 1882



Extent & medium

1 vol., 271pp.

Content Description

Volume of minutes of the Council, including the following selected entries: a note of the appointment of a committee to inspect vacant ground belonging to the Royal Academy on the west side of Burlington House, with a view to utilising it for galleries or Schools, 3 January 1880; the record of the sudden death of the Treasurer, E. M. Barry, in the course of a Council meeting, 27 January 1880 and the arrangements to fill the vacancy so caused, 5 February 1880; the decision to photograph some of the pictures in the winter exhibition as an experiment, 2 – 12 March 1880 and the experiment deemed a failure, 11 May 1880; the approval of new regulations for the distribution of pensions to members and their families, 16 November 1880; a note of the decision to appoint a committee to consider the question of an English academy at Rome, 23 November 1880; a note of the decision to light the winter exhibition until 7.00 pm, 8 February 1881; a note of a doubt as to the legal validity of the creation of Landseer scholarships under the terms of the bequest of Charles Landseer, 8 March 1881 and a note of reapportionment of the bequest following the decision of the General Assembly, 15 March 1881; a note that Edward Poynter had written to express dissatisfaction with the position assigned in the summer exhibition to his portrait of the Earl of Wharncliffe, 22 April 1881; a note of an experiment with the use of Swan electric light in one of the galleries, 5 and 19 July 1881; a memorandum of the duties of the Librarian, 15 November 1881; notes on a proposed reprinting of the summer exhibition catalogues, 7 February 1882; a note of a resolution, for submission to the General Assembly, to construct new buildings at the south west angle of the ground belonging to the Royal Academy at Burlington House, 9 May 1882; and a proposal that the Royal Academy submit a memorial to the Government against planned changes at Hyde Park Corner, London, 30 June 1882.